A long time ago in an unnamed forest an unfortunate young woman fell prey to two men. Soon after, the lifeless bodies of the two attackers were found floating down the stream nearby. No one knew what happened to the woman, or who or what had saved her life.
May is a city woman who has everything she could ask for. Things are looking stellar: her career is on the rise and her long-time husband, Nop, showers love and attention on her. But fate or desire play tricks on the couple who watches their lives drift by without much thought or reflection, and May starts an affair with Korn, himself a married man.
One day Nop, a professional photographer, is assigned to take a trip into the forest to film its wildlife. He decides to bring his wife along. But the journey slowly reveals how the invisible weight of their urban lifestyle haunts them like a spectre, since May insists on behaving as if she were still in the city. Her sole concerns are her laptop and her phone, and instead of working from the office she now works from the tent in the middle of the jungle.
Nop, meanwhile, treks into the forest to take pictures of wild deer and forgotten cobwebs, and along the way he stumbles into a sad-looking tree, a lonely, mysterious specimen deep in the heart of the jungle. The tree, it seems, is calling out to him, pulling him closer to it, and Nop finds himself spellbound. When her husband fails to return to the tent, May sets out to look for him but only finds his phone, then his sandal.
Only then does she realize how precious their marriage is, and how desperately she needs Nop’s warmth and companionship. Yet when May returns home believing she’s lost her husband, Nop returns. B
5 commenti:
Il regista è thailandese, giusto? Allora perchè il parlato del video alterna inglese e giapponese?
P.S. Che ne pensi di questo gioco?=>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM5lMHbq9j8
Regista e produzione thai. Il doppio parlato è dato da esigenze di copione (così come la scelta degli attori, dentro ci trovi Asano e Miike). Tra l'altro la possibilità di mandare al cinema film totalmente sottotitolati apre una marea di possibilità: c'era il DOA Final di Miike che era parlato in una cifra di lingue diverse, eppure tutti si capivano lo stesso. Una scelta di un finezza infinita.
Il gioco è una figata incredibile!
Interessante, una Babele cinematografica...
Riguardo al gioco, ci ho ripensato perchè ieri mi è capitato di rivedere Tenacious D In the Pick Of Destiny e, come avrai capito se hai visto oggi il mio blog, ho le canzoni dei D che mi ronzano in testa. Jack Black è adattissimo nella parte del protagonista, l'atmosfera che traspare dai trailer è molto promettente e l'ideatore del gioco è Tim Schafer, lo stesso di The Secret Of Monkey Island, Grim fandango e Psychonauts. Credo sarà un giocone!
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